Ph.D. in knowledge management, 20+ years of leadership in IT R&D (20+ projects), 10+ years of intense R&D project peer-review, education and scientific publications.
Areas of interest
Software architecture, systems modelling, business process automation, electron microscopy automation, multi-agent simulation, sustainable tourism, digital literacy, immersive language education, cognitive science, and consumer behaviour.
Working with
- Open-IT cz, s.r.o., Czechia,
- EVITAX s.r.o., Czechia,
- Technological Agency of the Czech Republic, Czechia,
- Ministry of Industry and Trade, Czechia,
- Slovak Research and Development Agency, Slovakia,
- Ministry of Education Youth and Sports, Czechia,
- University of Hradec Králové, Faculty of Informatics, Czechia,
- ...
Key experiences
The principal investigator and lead developer in several R&D projects (e.g. 3D virtual reality in language education; visitor flows modelling & intelligent software tour guide; electron microscopy data processing automation; business documents flow automation); evaluated hundreds of R&D and educational projects funded by EU, Czech, German, Vietnam or US national sources (700+ projects, 20+ bn. CZK combined budget); scientific conference appearances, publications, teaching, and course co-authoring.
Ask for my CV or a full text of any of my papers via ResearchGate, e-mail or LinkedIn.